Hello and welcome
My name is Andrei Raileanu and I am the founder of 34 35 studio. I am passionate about photography and videography forever but I got the chance to practice it officially and exclusively since 2018. I consider myself lucky for the chance of building a second carrier by doing what I most enjoy doing. Like this, "Work doesn't feel like work".
As a visual content creator, I combine photography with video creation in order to achieve the best results for my customers. Additionally, I am also a commercial photography instructor with Photigy.com
2018 I founded 34 35 studio, a photography/videography studio focusing on product photography, business portraits as well as personal branding, architecture, real estate, hotel photography and corporate events.
We provide our services to customers worldwide, from the US to China as well as all over Europe.
Locally we work with customers like Rolex, Forbes, BMW, Microsoft, HP, Marmorosch, Affidea, etc.
In 2019 I started working as a photography instructor and critic for one of the biggest online photography schools: Photigy.com from California USA. Since 2021 I am the executive manager of Photigy. You can find more details here.
2021 we have extended our hotel client portfolio and added video services as well as virtual tour services to our portfolio.
I am photographing and producing video content for magazines like Forbes, Ziarul Financiar, Business Week, Psihologia Magazine, Trendshrb, etc.
Since Feb 2023 I am also a withings.com ambassador providing reviews for their products.
What do the customers say -> click here
Part of my portfolio -> Portraits | Real Estate | Jewelry | Bottles | Cosmetics | Various
Information about my activity inside Photigy.com -> click here
What my students say about me:
Graham Keeling - UK: "I have learned a lot from the course so far. Andrei's feedback has contributed to this. A key benefit of the course is the review process - having someone experienced set a benchmark and evaluate your efforts against that is really helpful. It may sound too much like school but a simple marking system (n/10 for example) might also guide how well the submitted work compared to an expected standard?"
Happy student though - thank you! -
Liedia Van de Mortel - NL: "Andrei is 👍👍👍👍👍
He explains things very clearly, gives suggestions, and is enthusiastic." -
Michael Wolfe - USA: "Andrei gave me very solid, actionable feedback. And while he was pointing out opportunities for me to improve, he gave me encouragement and made me believe I could become a professional product photographer. "
Children Photography Course:
Runa Borcos 11 ani (RO): "Este un curs interesant, la care inveti lucruri noi si afli cat de multa munca este in spatele unei fotografii. Acolo sunt oameni care te inteleg, apreciaza si ajuta sa imbunatatesti toate pozele"
Monica Simion (RO): "Daca acum nu multumesc, atunci cand? Aceasta e intrebarea care tot imi vine in minte in ultima perioada. Perioada aceasta a Coronavirusului ne-a facut mai constienti de efemeritatea vietii noastre. De faptul ca totul functioneaza conform planului pana la un moment at. Ca totul are un termen de valabilitate. Chiar si perioada in care poti spune cuiva Multumesc"
Laura Tamasanu 14 ani (RO):"Cu ajutorul acestui curs acumulezi cunoștințe consolidate prin practică. Înveți să lucrezi in echipă și că o fotografie reușită este aceea care se remarcă prin spontaneitate, creativitate și originalitate."
Mihaela Tamasanu (RO): "Un curs la care înveţi că ceea ce părea să fie simplu, e foarte complex. Detalii ce par neînsemnate fac diferenţa dintre o poză comună (adesea dintr-un şir lung de încercări) şi o poză care surprinde, care te face să zăboveşti asupra sa. Un instructor foto te poate ajuta să faci alegerile inspirate în arta fotografiei, căci şi realizând fotografiile doar din pasiune, pentru albumul personal, tot o artă rămâne. Nu-i simplu să (te) surprinzi, poate necesita ore de muncă, evident - inspiraţie, dar presupune şi cunoaşterea unor reguli de bază, pe care un instructor te poate ajuta să le inţelegi."
Q&A session example for Photigy.com:
Please have a look below for some examples and feel free to inquire for more info andrei@3435studio.com
xMas Party promotional video for Moxy by Marriott
Valentine's Day promotional video for Moxy by Marriott
The video was used inside Cineplex Cinema for a month and it had to be created in cinema format.
Courtyard Floreasca by Marriott promo video
Created for YT and Social Media usage
Fotini Studio Greece
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Kaya Belek Resort - Turkey / Interview
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
APEX Group Housecleenign week promo video
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
EO Interviews
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT, Dubai fair and Social Media usage
Cocktail commercial
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Advert video for Dental Clinic.
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Created for website YT and Social Media usage
Thank you for your time, if you have additional questions please get in touch. I also invite you to check the rest of the website as well as our social media channels.